Dr. Sheri Everts Chancellor | Official website
Dr. Sheri Everts Chancellor | Official website
In response to the impact of Hurricane Helene, additional financial aid is being provided to students in North Carolina. The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) has announced that eligible students at Appalachian State University, University of North Carolina Asheville, and Western Carolina University, as well as those from affected counties attending other UNC institutions, will receive extra support.
Students who are residents of North Carolina with family incomes below $80,000 will benefit from an average increase of $850 in grant aid. This funding aims to alleviate unexpected expenses caused by the hurricane. Those already receiving the Next NC Scholarship will see this one-time increase added for the 2024-25 academic year. Community college students who qualify for financial aid are also included in this initiative.
Andrea Poole, executive director of NCSEAA, stated, “Many students had to evacuate, make an additional trip home or deal with other expenses related to the storm. This extra funding should help keep students on track as they navigate the aftermath of Helene and continue to work toward graduation.”
Campuses have set up relief funds for those significantly affected by the storm. The UNC System is concentrating efforts on aiding western campuses' recovery and ensuring student success through the semester.
UNC System President Peter Hans remarked, “Helene has done enough damage already. We can’t let this tragic storm undermine the progress our students have made.”
The North Carolina General Assembly has allocated $19.1 million for university and community college student aid, expected to assist over 20,000 students including nearly 12,000 within the UNC System. Additionally, $5.5 million has been designated for tuition coverage at UNC Asheville for spring semester and another $5 million in emergency grants for impacted UNC System students.